2012, 2016 independent presidential aspirant, Jacob Osei Yeboah, known publicly as Joy2012 is set to lunch his second political series, Sompaonline brings you excerpts of the yet to be launched book with the title ” The next generation of Ghana and Africa “Understanding your attitudes and mindset of Politicians”
Father I thank you of what you are about to inspire me to write about What an Independent (Nonpartisan Government) Presidential System Governance should be for Ghana and Africa. You are God of possibilities for generations yet unborn. Amen.
No matter the age, the keenness of low mindset of undeveloped Soul seeks power to subjugate citizens and to enrich self.
The Next Generation Government of Ghana and Africa
(_Understanding your Attitudes and Mindset of Politicians)_
"I'm speaking to you at the end of a long trip. I began in Russia for a summit between two great powers. I travelled to Italy for a meeting of the world's leading economies. And I've come here to Ghana for a simple reason: The 21st century will be shaped by what happens not just in Rome or Moscow or Washington, but by what happens in Accra, as well. This is the simple truth of a time when the boundaries between people are overwhelmed by our connections. .. And the strength of your democracy can help advance human rights for people everywhere".
(USA President Barack Obama, Ghana Parliament, 11th July, 2009 12:40 Pm GMT)
In other words to decode and expand the main reason why the master number 44th President of USA was in Ghana and the simple truth of the 21st Century is for the youth in Ghana to rise once more and take action to effect what the world is anticipating in our destiny as a people and as a nation to deepen democracy for workable good governance not only for Africa but the world.
The new world order and creation have been awaiting for these moments where
Ghana will help Africa once more to shape the 21st century by carving out the true democratic structure for Africa. Ghana's unambiguous destiny role is achievable through the reinforcement of true democracy and intensifying process of economic integration and political interdependence among world powers for the advancement of true human rights for people everywhere.
President Obama went on to give the key foundation of workable democracy for respective nations and the importance of how good governance progresses to wealthy, healthy and prosperous nations.
"Development depends on good governance... That's the change that can unlock Africa's potential. And that is a responsibility that can only be met by Africans. As I said in Cairo, each nation gives life to democracy in its own way and in line with its own traditions... this is about more than just holding elections ... Now, America will not seek to impose any system of government on any other nation. The essential truth of democracy is that each nation determines its own destiny."
The caveats of modern democracy as being promulgated by USA should be corrected by Africa for the world to embrace Nonpartisan Government System (NGS) or Independent Presidential System (IPS).
Paul Johnson, a British Catholic Journalist wrote, “The study of history is a very powerful antidote to contemporary arrogance. It is humbling to discover how many of our glib assumptions, which seem to us novel and plausible, have been tested before, not once but many times and in innumerable guises; and discovered to be, at great cost, wholly false."
The world governance systems are in disarray due to the inclusion of manipulative natures of political parties and their respective ideologies and philosophies in democracy. that anomaly should be corrected for good governance and *cohesive development by nations for shared growth and peaceful coexistence of humanity.
Lessons of Plato's Allegory of Cave
Plato's Allegory of the Cave is one of the most persuasive and expectant of allegories that describe human condition in both its fallen and risen states. That is, the human existence in its most insightful and blasphemous states. Plato as a philosopher devised the Allegory as a concept to reflect on *the nature of belief versus knowledge.
Plato portrays a scene in a cave that analyzes the human understanding of truth. the story is about a group of men that are chained to a wall for their entire life in a cave. Plato reveals that humans are easily fooled into believing what they see and told is the absolute truth. The prisoners watch these shadows, believing them to be real. Plato posits that one prisoner could become free. (The one prisoner that could become free from the cave of partisan politics deceptions and manipulations is the writer Jacob Osei Yeboah, JOY2012 from Ghana
The allegory depicts the life of all enlightened and wise people who get rejected by ignorance when they try to enlighten others. For Plato, most of us live like the prisoners in the cave. *The masses are stubborn and ignorant and dedicate their lives to pursue shadows instead of the real thing.
The key life lesson from Plato's Allegory of the Cave is to question every assumption you have about the reality you call "real." This is a powerful way to develop the skill of thinking for yourself and discovering your own unique solutions to any problem.
What have mankind been chained in the cave of partisan democracy as a belief and taught to be the truth? What are the masses stubborn, ignorant and dedicated their lives to pursue as shadows of modern democracy instead of the reality of true democracy rationale based on knowledge?
The Next Generation Government book represents the possible one prisoner that could be freed from the cave and adopts the life lessons from Plato's Allegory of the cave to develop the skill of thinking for self to discover the unique solution to democracy for Ghana, Africa and the world. Especially, our glib assumptions about democracy, which seem to us novel and plausible, have been tested before from 620BC in ancient Greek, not once but many times and in innumerable guises in other countries and continents; and discovered to be, at great cost, wholly false with political parties' inclusion.
Every system of human endeavors goes through the life cycle of, 1. Conception or Idea; 2. Birth or Delivery; 3. Growth or Progression; 4. Maturity or Plateau; 5. Negative growth or Retrogression
The book leads to exposition of the current democratic dispensation life cycle stage of democracy i.e. ending maturity or plateau stage and beginning of negative growth.
The NGS has to pursue evolutionary process since 2009, when former President of USA, Barack Obama, visited Africa, in demonstrating its effective credible alternative as the panacea to world governing challenges. And moreover, NGS is in consonance with social media dynamics that is rather weakening partisan government manipulations to the chagrin of people everywhere around the globe against their respective governments.
Why should partisan governments as agency of trust by the citizens, ever use brute force against the demand of majority of the same citizens? The simple truth is manipulation, manipulation, manipulation.
The modernist mindset of "Elite Theory of democracy" is the most important fallacy that all needs to know and understand the source of manipulative nature of modern democracy.
"The Elite theory of Democracy posits that a small minority, consisting of members of the Economic Elite and policy planning networks, holds the most power and that this power is independent of democratic elections." That is the Global Elite and each nation also tends to have their respective economic Elite group. The question is who confers this power to this minority group and how members are elected and what are the criteria?
Credit: Eric Murphy Asare